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Habitat Restoration Volunteer Opportunity
Idaho Dept of Fish & Game
Sagebrush is a native woody shrub which provides food, cover and nesting habitat for wildlife and deep roots which protect soils from erosion. Millions of acres of sagebrush communities have vanished from the West due to noxious weed invasion, fire, overgrazing, urban sprawl and other land disturbances.
What can you do? Volunteer on Nov 8!
Sagebrush seed collection season is upon us. The high country is ripening up quickly this year and we are going to go after some seed near Little Camas Reservoir Saturday, Nov 8th.
To Register: Call Michael Young at 327-7095 or email him at
Date/Time/Location: Meet at 8:00 am, November 8, 2014 at the Idaho Fish & Game Office at 109 W 44th, Garden City.
More information:
Michael Young
Volunteer Coordinator - Habitat Restoration
Idaho Department of Fish and Game
109 W 44th
Garden City, ID 83714