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The Seasonal Cycle of Water

  • 07/08/2015
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM (MDT)
  • Foothills Learning Center

The Seasonal Cycle of Water

Foothills Learning Center - Sunset Series

(adult education)

What has no fins, feathers, or feet, but migrates through the Treasure Valley every year?  Water!  Even though we live in a desert, we have water for drinking and irrigation even in the heat of the summer.  Come learn about the annual cycle of water through our area.

July 8 10, 2015
7:00 - 8:30 pm

Foothills Learning Center

3188 Sunset Peak Road.  Take 8th Street north through Boise's North End.  From the end of the pavement go 1/3 mile farther.

Phone:  208.493.2530

  Harris Ranch Wildlife Mitigation Association

   PO Box 1949
   Boise, ID 83701
   (208) 515-7413

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