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Fred Bassett on Hummingbirds

  • 07/28/2015
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • MK Nature Center, 600 S Walnut St
Hosted by Golden Eagle Audubon Society - monthly program

Fred Bassett is a certified master bird bander who has been researching hummingbirds for twenty years.  He lives in Montgomery Alabama in the winter, and visits Boise in the summer. During the winter, he studies hummingbirds in the Southeast states, and each summer he bands for three months in the Northwest, banding all along the way at numerous sites from Florida to Idaho.  

Fred is the president of the non-profit organization Hummingbird Research, Inc.  He has banded more than 20,000 hummingbirds, and findings from his research have been published in the Journal of Field Ornithology and other national publications. 

Fred will present  his research about the four species of hummingbirds that breed in Idaho and introduce other species of hummingbirds that may be seen in the state.  He will also briefly discuss his continuing research in other areas of the US. 

Come learn more about these tiny, long distance migrants. Last year, one migrated from Louisiana to Anchorage. Hummingbirds weigh about as much as a penny. The bands are small enough that a magnifying glass is needed (2mm x 6mm). Fred has banded some individuals 8 and 9 years in a row, and helped expand our knowledge about western hummers that are wintering in the southeast states. 

Hosted by:  Golden Eagle Audubon Society

  Harris Ranch Wildlife Mitigation Association

   PO Box 1949
   Boise, ID 83701
   (208) 515-7413

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